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AG.>Soil Sensor Technology+Cloud-based Analytics that integrates with top irrigation systems—helping farmers increase crop yield and reduce water, fertilization and energy costs - all in an easy to use mobile app.
(*) Company; Patents & Web-Site Avai-
lable on Request.
UpDate: 2018. 06.22.

Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) Device.
Provides real-time monitoring and transmission of your ambulatory patients s ECG information. Together with proprietary software, highly customizable reports, and 24/7 monitoring center, the system is a complete solution for remote cardiac monitoring that merges seamlessly with physicians s existing platforms and workflows
USA 510(K) Clearance Date: 2017. 12.18.
(*) Company : Biotricity.
UpDate: 2017. 12.19.

Cardio.>Atrial Fibrillation (AFi). Detection. Mobile Telemetry Wearable Device.
USA Approval Date: 2019. 04.30.
USA Launch Date: 2021. 01.28.
(*) Company; Patents; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2021. 02.08.

Communications>Third Generation (3G) WireLess Mobile Technology. (L)
Patent LICENSING Available: Yes.
(*) Company; Patents & Web-Site Avai-
lable on Request.
UpDate: 2018. 07.06.

>MOBILE.'s products
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