AG.>Aeroponics. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Powered.
(*) Company; Patent & Web-Site Avai-
lable on Request.
UpDate: 2018. 08.29.

Cardio.>Arrhytmia. Atrial Fibrillation (AFi). Diagnostics: AI (Artificial Intelligence) Enabled Platform.
USA Launch Date: 2017. 03.16.
(*) Company; Patents; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 02.26.

Cardio.>Arrhytmia. Atrial Fibrillation (AFi). Diagnostics: AI (Artificial Intelligence) (1)+ECG (Electro CardioGram)+Digital Stethoscope (2)
(1) USA Clearance Date: 2020. 01.28.
(*) Company; Patent (2); & Web-Sites
Acailable on Request.
UpDate: 2020. 02.04.

Cardio.>Arrhytmia. Atrial Fibrillation (AFi). Diagnostics: Cloud- & AI (Artifi- cial Intelligence)-Powered ECG (Electro
Cardio Gram) Analysis.
EU Approval Date : ?
USA Approval Date: 2017. 07.05.
(*) Company; Patent & Product Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 02.25.

Cardio.>Arrhytmia. Atrial Fibrillation (AFi).
Mapping. AI-Enabled Electrographic Flow
(Analyze and Visualize the Flow of Action Potentials)
EU Approval Year: 2018.
(*) Company; Patents & Web-Site Avai-
Lable on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 07.04.

Cardio.>Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Assisted MRI ACQ. Software.
USA Approval Date: 2019. 10.29.
(*) Company; Patent; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 10.30.

Cardio.>Atrial Fibrillation (AFi). AI Mapping Software.
EU CE Mark Date : ?
USA Approval Date: 2020. 12.09.
(*) Company; Patent; Product Name &
Web-Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2021. 02.08.

Cardio.>Coronary Artery Disease. DIAG.: System>2 Components:
1. a device that records 3D electric
currents via five electrodes attached
to the thorax & collects data from
the resting heart for approximately
four minutes &
2. AI Software APP. that uses multiple
algorithms and machine learning
methods to evaluate the measurements
result, along with a supplementary standard ECG report, are available about one minute later.
No Radiation Exposure
Study Published in Journal of Electro- cardiology
EU CE Mark: Yes.
(*) Company & Web-Sites Available on
UpDate: 2020. 01.14.

Cardio.>Healthy Individuals. Heart Di- sease. Early Detection.
Correlation between HRV (Heart Rate>
>Variability) & the presence of myocar-
dial ischemia in healthy individuals
without known coronary artery disease
Effortless Stress Test Alternative for>
>early detection of myocardial ischemia
in relatively healthy individuals.
test analyzes 20 minutes of heartrate
data obtained by wearing a standard
heartrate recorder (e.g., Heartrate
strap, smartwatch or bracelet) without
the need for stressful maneuvers or
heart strain making it especially
advantageous for the elderly, impaired,
and weight challenged.
Machine Learning AI Algorithms
EU CE Mark Date: ?
(*) Company; Patents; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 11.13.

Cardio.>Left Ventricular Artificial In-telligence (AI)-Based UltraSound (US) Imaging Analysis.
FDA Cleared, CE Marked.
(*) Company; Patent; Product Name &
Web-Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 08.24.

Cardio.>Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Analysis. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assistant.
USA Clearance Date: 2017. 09.01.
(*) Company; Patent & Web-Site Availa-
ble on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 03.31.

Cardio.>Valvular Heart Disease. Diag.: AI (Artificial Intelligence) (1)+Digital Stethoscope (2).
(1) USA Approval Date: 2020. 01.28.
(*) Company; Patent (2) & Web-Sites
Available on Request.
UpDate: 2020. 02.04.

Customer>Acquisition & Engagement Solutions.
Artificial Intelligence.
(*) Company; Patents & Web-Site Avai-
lable on Request.
UpDate: 2018. 06.03.

USA Clearance Date: 2019. 11.14.
(*) Company : Ultromics Ltd.
TradeMark: EchoGo Core
UpDate: 2019. 11.18.

Onco.>Colon Cancer. TREAT.: FOLFOX (Che- moTherapy)+BevacizuMab. (METASTATIC).
Artificial Intelligence-Powered Predic tor of FOLFOX response that utilizes
Company s tumor profiling results.
It is intended to be used as an aid in gauging a patient s likelihood to benefit from FOLFOX chemotherapy (in combination with bevacizumab) as the first-line chemotherapy regimen in metastatic colorectal adenocarcinoma.
FOLFOX: FOLinic acid (Leucovorin)
Fluorouracil (5-FU)
OXaliplatin (Eloxatin)
Launch Date: 2020. 03.31.
UpDate: 2020. 04.01.

Onco.>Brain Cancer>DIAG.: Spectroscopic Liquid Biopsy with AI.
(*) Company; Patents & Web-Site Avai-
lable on Request.
UpDate: 2021. 02.14.

Onco.>Genomics>Genetic Tests. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning IDentification (ID) Platform.
USA Launch Date: 2019. 05.21.
(*) Company; USA Patent APP.; TradeMark
& WebSite Available on Request.
UpDate: 2019. 12.09.

Onco.>Lung Cancer>DIAG.: Computed Tomo-graphy (CT). Pulmonary Nodule Detecting Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solution.
JP Approval Date: 2019. 12.
KR Approval Date: 2020. 04.29.
(*) Company; Patent; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2020. 04.30.

Onco.>Radiomics. AI-Enabled Precision Imaging & Segmentation.
(*) Company; Patent; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2021. 02.15.

Onco.>RadioTherapy>Adaptive Therapy+ Artificial Intelligence (AI).
USA FDA 510(k) Clearance: 2020. 02.11.
(*) Company; Patents; TradeMark & Web-
Site Available on Request.
UpDate: 2020. 02.15.

Ophthalmo.>Diabetic Retinopathy. DIAG.: Artificial Intelligence (AI). (U>E)
CA Approval Date: 2018. 03.08.
EU Approval Date: 2015. 04.14.
(*) Company; Patents; TradeMark & Web-
Sites Available on Request.
UpDate: 2018. 07.02.

Ophthalmo.>Diabetic Retinopathy. DIAG.: Artificial Intelligence (AI).
USA Approval Date: 2018. 04.12.
(*) Company : IDx Inc.
Web-Site :
UpDate: 2018. 04.13.

Ophthalmo.>Diabetic Retinopathy. DIAG.: Artificial Intelligence (AI)+TeleHealth. (U>2).
(*) Company; Patents & Web-Sites Avai-
lable on Request.
UpDate: 2018. 10.14.

This section has no products