Main > A1. CORP. INDEX. Nn-Nz > Northwestern University/P C2 > 2006. 03.13.2006. Diamond-Like

Crystals from
- Alkanethiol Modified Ag NanoParticle
- Alkanethiol Modified Au NanoParticle

(Science, published online Feb. 23,

what Bartosz A. Grzybowski expected would happen when he formed crystals from the gold and silver nanoparticles.

But it didn t turn out that way. "We were quite astonished to see that they crystallize into a diamond lattice, not a close-packed structure," the Northwestern University chemical engineering professor says. So Grzybowski and other members of his research group, including Alexander M. Kalsin, Marcin Fialkowski, and Maciej Paszewski, carried out experiments to probe the relationships between particle size, electrostatic forces, and crystallization.

2006. 03.13.2006. Diamond-Like's products
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