Main > IONIC LIQUIDS. > Choline.Cl Deep Eutectic Solvents > Co.: UK. S. (Brand/Mfg./Patent) > Ethylene Glycol+Choline.Cl > Uses> > ElectroPolishing. > Description
THE Co. s electropolishing technology employs a eutectic mixture of two relatively benign materials--choline chloride and ethylene glycol. In recent work, the Co. s chemists investigated the use of the mixture as an electropolishing electrolyte in an electrolytic cell containing a stainless steel alloy anode and a nickel cathode. They showed that the eutectic mixture reacts with the metal cations on the surface of the steel to form complexes with low saturation concentrations.
"When the metal in the steel is electrochemically oxidized, it complexes with the hydrogen-bond donor--ethylene glycol--and an insoluble complex precipitates to the bottom of the electropolishing bath". "The liquid can be filtered periodically and the metal complex collected."
The process enables the eutectic fluid and the metal to be recycled, thus preventing environmental emissions. Compared with the acid-based technology, the eutectic technology has improved current efficiency and evolves less hydrogen, according to Co.
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