Main > A1. CORP. INDEX. Un-Uz > University Georgia /P C2 > Complex Carbohydrate Research C. > 2005. 08.08.2005. (Advances)

"Over the past few years, progress in the field has been amazing," says chemistry professor Geert-Jan Boons of the University of Georgia s Complex Carbohydrate Research Center. "For example, chemists have made great strides in the chemical and enzymatic synthesis of complex oligosaccharides, and these compounds are now being used to make microarrays, which are important tools to study carbohydrate involvement in a large number of biological processes. Researchers are beginning to provide an understanding of the molecular details of carbohydrate-protein interactions. And we are starting to learn how this combined knowledge can be exploited in drug and vaccine design."

2005. 08.08.2005. (Advances)'s products
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