Main > ENERGY > Hydrogen Energy. > Hydrogen Production > Org.: USA. U (Algae BioProcess) > NPLS Contents

Green algae: Renewable source of H2

Scientists have found a way to coax a species of green algae into producing large, sustained quantities of molecular hydrogen. Such a renewable source of hydrogen fuel, if it could be harnessed, would be a welcome alternative to the current source, natural gas. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has long been known to produce H2, but it is only been detected in small quantities. However, AUTHORS have manipulated the algae s growing environment to boost its H2 production simply and inexpensively. When the scientists withhold sulfur from the algae s growth cocktail, the plant stops photosynthesis and therefore stops producing oxygen. Under anaerobic conditions, the algae must then use alternative pathways to generate adenosine triphosphate, the biological energy needed for survival of the organism. The algae does this in light by using its own stored fuel—and the end product of this alternative pathway is H2. The researchers are now studying ways to optimize algae hydrogen production

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