Main > PHARMA. > Drug Delivery > TransDermal Delivery > Penetration Enhancer > Discovery Methods > Org.: USA. U (Impedance Measure.) > NPLS Contents
Helping drugs go more than just skin deep
Despite the advantages of transdermal drug delivery, such as increased patient compliance, only a few drugs are delivered via patches, and those are generally small molecules. AUTHOR, has developed a method that could make it easier to find effective transdermal formulations. In a method that they call INSIGHT screening (for in vitro skin-impedance-guided high-throughput screening), AUTHOR use impedance measurements of skin to identify combinations of penetration enhancers that improve transdermal delivery. Their screening method is 100 times more efficient than the current method of discovering penetration enhancers, in which the penetration of radiolabeled solutes into or across the skin is measured. Using the INSIGHT method with a library of more than 5,000 formulations, they found potent penetration enhancers that cause minimal skin irritation. Two promising formulations increased the flux of macromolecular drugs across skin during in vitro experiments. And one formulation was used to deliver leuprolide acetate across the skin of hairless rats in vivo
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