Main > NUCLEIC ACID > DNA > DNA Analysis. (A.) > ElectroChemical ReagentLess A. > Co.: Org.: USA. CC (Technique) > Based On:
IMPROVEMENTS to DNA sensing method that measures changes in electric current when a DNA strand hybridizes with a complementary strand yield a device that can distinguish between all types of single base-pair mismatches. Such a capability is necessary for genotyping & gene-expression analysis.
Researchers report that using 2 different signaling probes, rather than one, makes it possible not only to detect a mismatch, but to determine the base itself
The group members designed 2 ferrocene molecules having different redox potentials & attached them to the ends of two probe DNA strands. Their test system contained a target DNA strand & its comple
ment - perfect except for one mismatched base pair - as well as complementary probe strands for each of the two. The group identified the mismatch from the distinct electrical signal measured when the mismatched DNA hybridized with its probe
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