Main > ENDOCRINOLOGY > HypoGlycemia > Treatment > Amylin (Peptide) > Glucagon Peptide. Combination > Patent. > Claims > Claim 1: Glucagon/Amylin Therapeuti > c Compn. Claim 2: Glucagon/ > Amylin Agonist Therapeutic Compn > Claim 3: Rat Amylin. Claim 4:Amylin > Agonist: CGRP. Claim 5: Lyophilized > Claim 6: Glucose Levels Enhancing > Method: Adm Compn Cl. 1 to 4. > Claim 7: Acute HypoGlycemia Treat > Method: Adm Compn Cl. 1 to 4.
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