Main > WATER > DeIonization.

Product USA. C

UPDATE 01.99
PATENT ASSIGNEE This data is not available for free
PATENT CLAIMS Process for deionization & demineralization
- Loading a tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane ("Tris") buffer
onto first weakly acidic cation exchange resin to occupy
cation exchange sites & form first bed comprising first amine
buffered resin
- Passing ion-contg water through said first bed & exchanging
water cations for amine cations to form first effluent compri
sing an anion-buffer salt complex (I)
- Passing (I) through first weakly basic anion exchange
resin comprising an aliphatic polyamine ion exchange
resin having an active site d. > 2.5 meq/ml (water swollen
bead form), where an anion portion of (I) is split from (I) by
adsorption of said anion portion onto said weakly basic
anion exchange resin to form second effluent comprising
buffer in free hydrated base form (II)
- Passing (II) to second weakly acidic cation exchange resin
where said buffer loads onto said second resin as in first
step & repeating first 4 steps
- Regenerating said first weakly acidic cation exchange
resin with an organic acid to reestablish said first weakly
acidic cation exchange resin to H form & to form spent
organic acid regenerant comprising mixt of cation salts of
organic acid regenerant & free organic acid regenerant
- Regenerating said first weakly basic anion exchange resin
with organic base to reestablish said resin to free hydrated
base form & to form a spent organic base regenerant com
prising mixt of anion salts of organic base regenerant &
free organic base regenerant
PATENT PHOTOCOPY Available on request

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