Main > A1. CORP. INDEX. Pn-Pz > Polish Academy of Sciences/P C2 > Institute of Catalysis & Surface C2 > 2005. 08.15.2005. Fluorous Catalyst

Product Poland. Pi

RESEARCH At the Institute of Catalysis & Surface Chemistry in Kraków, Poland, assistant professor of chemistry Katarzyna Pamin and coworkers have been investigating use of pernitrometalloporphyrins with fluorous ponytails as catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes with molecular oxygen.

"The physicochemical and catalytic properties of pernitrometalloporphyrins with ponytails are mainly governed by the strong electron-withdrawing effect of the nitro and fluoro substituents," she said.

The metalloporphyrins are typically cobalt porphyrins with four pentafluorophenyl substituents, four nitro groups, and four C6F13 ponytails.

"These metallocomplexes are soluble in perfluorosolvents such as perfluorohexane," Pamin observed. "We applied them as catalysts in the epoxidation of alkenes in a perfluorohexane-acetonitrile biphasic system with molecular oxygen and sacrificial aldehyde as the reducing agent. The conversion of substrates and epoxide yields were high for cyclooctene and cyclohexene but less so for linear olefins."

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