Main > GLASS > Colored Glass > Glazing Panes

Product France. S

UPDATE 11.99
PATENT ASSIGNEE This data is not available for free
PATENT CLAIMS Colored glass compn comprising oxides
- SiO2 (64-75%)
- Alumina (< 5%)
- Boria (< 5%)
- CaO (5-15%)
- MgO (< 5%)
- Na2O (10-18 %)
- K2O (< 5%)
& as coloring agents
- Fe2O3 (total Fe) (0.45-2.5%)
- With FeO content (16-55% rel. to total Fe as Fe2O3
- CoO (0.001-0.02%)
- Se (< 0.0009 %)
Wherein glasses have total energy transmission factor (Te)
< than light transmission factor under illuminant A (TLa), the factor Te being 10-48 % & TLa 20-60 % for 3.85 mm thickness, said compn having an excitation purity < 7.6 %

PATENT PHOTOCOPY Available on request

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