Main > DERMATOLOGY > Artificial Skin. > Graft. First Graft done in Brazil.

Product Brazil. H

STRUCTURE First artificial skin graft in Brazil in patients with severe skin burns. A woman 32 years old & a man of 36 underwent surgery on 21.04.01 & are well. Approved for use in USA since 1999. With approximately 1 mm of thickness, the artificial skin is very similar to human skin. Made up of collagen & glycosaminoglycans - 2 substances normally found in dermis - the only difference is not having living cells. After 8 months of graft. patient`s dermis`s cells migrate towards artificial skin & start to multiplicate.
INDICATION'S Product indicated for cases of severe skin burns & has restorative character.
Advantages are a better aesthetic result, lower number of burned area`s reconstruction surgeries & a shorter post-surgery
UPDATE 05.01
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