Main > PAPER & PULP > Production > Flexibility Determn (Real-Time) > Laser Ultra-Sound Sensor

Product USA. Ufel

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ECONOMY Presently mechanical properties are verified by manual examination of paper bobine’s sample. If it is out of specifications, the whole bobine of 3 tons is rejected or sold for a lower price. To avoid this, producers are used to go beyond specifications – which implies to spend more pulp & energy for the drying than would be necessary, elevating costs
TECHNOLOGY Measures paper flexibility when paper góes through production line at speeds of up to 100 km/hour. As mnechanical contact is avoided, the system avoids damage to paper & allows examination of humidity, tension & weight. Sensor measures flexibility in real time, at process beginning, without touching the paper – which is very important, since at a velocity of 30 m/sec, the slightest touch may damage light papers, as journal’s paper. The sensor functions measuring the time that ultrasound waves take to propagate from laser induced excitation point to detection point, at few mm of distance: the velocity of waves between those points & through paper is linked to prodt.’s elastic properties
UPDATE 04.02
LITERATURE REF. This data is not available for free

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