Main > ENERGY > Thermal Energy > Conversion Applications > Boilers. Water Cooling Towers > Corrosion Inhibition > during "Shutdown" period by > VPC (Abbrev.) Inhibitor (powder) > Packaged in > Water-Soluble Perforated Pouch

Product USA. C

UPDATE 07.00
PATENT NUMBER This data is not available for free
PATENT TITLE Water-soluble containers for water cooling towers and boilers

PATENT ABSTRACT A method of protecting water reservoirs or enclosures utilized in thermal energy conversion applications against corrosion during periods of shutdown by depositing a source of a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor, preferably a blend of ammonium benzoate, sodium benzoate, sodium sebacate, monoethanolammonium benzoate, benzotriazole, and cyclohexylammonium benzoate within the enclosure through the steps of packaging a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor in powder form within a container fabricated from a water-soluble film; perforating the walls of the container; depositing the perforated container within the enclosure being protected; and introducing water into the enclosure at the end of the shutdown period for simultaneously flushing the enclosure and removal of both the residual corrosion inhibitor and water-soluble container therefrom.

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PATENT CLAIMS What is claimed is:

1. Means for protecting the surfaces of water reservoirs utilized in thermal energy conversion applications against corrosion during periods of shutdown, said protecting means comprising:

(a) a waterproof outer container;

(b) a water-soluble pouch within said outer container; and

(c) a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor in powder form packaged within said pouch.

2. The means for protecting water reservoirs as defined in claim 1 being particularly characterized in that said vapor phase corrosion inhibitor has the following formulation range:

Parts by Weight
Component of Formulation
Ammonium benzoate 83 parts
Monoethanolammonium benzoate
5 parts
Benzotriazole 2 parts
Cyclohexylammonium benzoate
10 parts.

3. The means for protecting water reservoirs as defined in claim 1 being particularly characterized in that said vapor phase corrosion inhibitor comprises the following formulation:

Parts by Weight
Component of Formulation
Ammonium benzoate 20 parts
Sodium benzoate 10 parts
Sodium sebacate 40 parts
Monoethanolammonium benzoate
10 parts
Benzotriazole 5 parts
Cyclohexylammonium benzoate
15 parts.

4. The method of protecting water reservoirs or enclosures utilized in thermal energy conversion applications against corrosion during periods of shutdown by depositing a source of a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor within the enclosure through the following steps:

(a) packaging a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor in powder form within a container fabricated from a water-soluble film;

(b) perforating the walls of said container;

(c) depositing said perforated container within the enclosure being protected; and

(d) introducing water into the enclosure at the end of the shutdown period for simultaneously flushing said enclosure and removal of both the residual corrosion inhibitor and water-soluble container therefrom.

5. The method as defined in claim 4 being particularly characterized in that said vapor phase corrosion inhibitor comprises the following formulation:

Parts by Weight
Component of Formulation
Ammonium benzoate 83 parts
Monoethanolammonium benzoate
5 parts
Benzotriazole 2 parts
Cyclohexylammonium benzoate
10 parts.

6. The method of claim 4 being particularly characterized in that said vapor phase corrosion inhibitor comprises the following formulation:

Parts by Weight
Component of Formulation
Ammonium benzoate 20 parts
Sodium benzoate 10 parts
Sodium sebacate 40 parts
Monoethanolammonium benzoate
10 parts
Benzotriazole 5 parts
Cyclohexylammonium benzoate
15 parts.

7. The method of claim 4 wherein said vapor phase corrosion inhibitor is introduced into said enclosure in the range of four pounds of vapor phase corrosion inhibitor per 1,000-gallon capacity of said reservoir or enclosure.

8. The method of claim 4 wherein said thermal energy conversion application is a boiler or other closed loop system.

9. The method of claim 4 wherein said thermal energy conversion application is a water cooling tower.


The present invention relates generally to an improved method and packaging arrangement for use in effective and convenient technique for protecting water reservoirs utilized in thermal energy conversion applications against corrosion during periods of shutdown. The method involves packaging vapor phase corrosion inhibiting chemicals (VCI) in water soluble containers or pouches, so as to permit the deposit of the package directly into the confines of the vessel or enclosure being protected, with removal being accomplished through conventional flushing of any residual VCI along with the water soluble pouch or container prior to placing the system back into service.

Thermal energy conversion applications such as boilers and water cooling towers are typically utilized on a seasonal basis. During periods of shutdown, it has been customary to protect the vessels or containers utilized as water reservoirs by flushing the system with biocides along with a film-forming oil or other composition to provide some measure of protection for the surfaces during periods of shutdown. This practice, while commonly employed, is environmentally unfriendly because of the nature of the solutions normally employed. Furthermore, this practice has some disadvantages in that some areas intended to be protected remain exposed to corrosive components during shutdown, thereby requiring extensive cleanup prior to returning the system to use. Another system commonly employed for interior protection of the vessel against corrosion is to fog dry chemicals of the VCI type into the enclosed space. However, this method requires special application equipment which is quite costly, and because of the expense involved, extensive use has been precluded.


The present system is straightforward and simple, and provides a labor-saving method of accomplishing effective corrosion protection during periods of shutdown, with the system further providing rapid cleanup and recovery when the unit is to be returned to operation.

In accordance with the present invention, vapor phase corrosion inhibitors (VCI's) are packaged in a water-soluble pouch or bag, with the bag being initially perforated prior to use, and then deposited in its entirety into the enclosure to be protected. The VCI's are continuously emitted from the pouch or container through holes or cuts formed in the enclosed space, thus providing long-term protection for the vessel or unit from corrosion. The size of the pouch or other container that is utilized depends, of course, upon the magnitude of the volume being protected. Generally, three pounds of VCI powder, as described hereinbelow, are suitable for protecting a 1,000 gallon boiler for a period of up to six months.

Because the nature of use of water cooling towers and boilers is seasonal, there comes a time following shutdown when the unit is to be returned to service. The removal of the residual VCI's is extraordinarily simple, merely requiring flushing so as to dissolve the water-soluble bag or pouch along with the remaining VCI's out of the system.

Therefore, it is a primary object of the present invention to provide an improved technique for protecting water reservoirs utilized in thermal energy conversion applications against corrosion during periods of shutdown by utilizing a source of VCI within a pouch or enclosure fabricated from a water-soluble film.

It is a further object of the present invention to package a selected VCI material within a water-soluble bag, and thereafter preserving the water-soluble bag and its contents in a waterproof container until just prior to use, at which time the water-soluble bag is perforated and deposited into the interior of a water reservoir utilized in thermal energy conversions such as a water cooling tower or boiler.

Other and further objects of the present invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon a study of the following specification and appended claims.


In order to effectively practice the present invention, a powder mix of VCI chemical is selected for long-term use within a thermal energy conversion system, such as a boiler system
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