Main > COSMETICS (#) > Skin Cosmetics

Product Treat. Regime. Hydroxyacid. Sunscreen. USA. C.

UPDATE 06.99
PATENT ASSIGNEE This data is not available for free
PATENT CLAIMS - Providing first sunscreen compn within carrier
- Providing second alpha hydroxyacid compn within second
- Storing first compn in first container
- Storing second compn in second container
- Both containers being joined together, outside walls being
color coded differently from one another with walls of first
container being white & second container's walls other than
white, the first & second containers being stacked one abo
ve the other & releasably locked together by coupling
- Instructing consumers by placing on containers instructions
on use of both compns in sequential manner to achieve
first & second benefits in regime, both compns being com
- Applying first compn to skin to achieve first benefit
- Applying second compn to skin to achieve second benefit
PATENT PHOTOCOPY Available on request

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