An american research team associated for the first time a GENE to longetivity & high levels of HDL (the good cholesterol). The study involved 27 centennary people, their descendents & showed that they preserved a level of natu rally healthy cholesterol during the whole life, even if they smoked, conducted sedentary life, did not make diet. More: they transmit this to their descendents The study also revealed a difference between sexes. Men who become centennary must have high HDL & low LDL. Women must only have high HDL |
MECHANISM OF ACTION | According to Barzilai, the centennary people do have a GENETIC MUTATION that maintains high the HDL levels |
Till now, high blood levels of good cholesterol was a protection against cardiac disease. But nobody showed that it was important for LONGEVITY. If the researchers define with precision the GENE involved, it will be possible to develop a drug capable of reproducing that condition in population in general |
UPDATE | 01.01 |
AUTHOR | Barzilai Nir (Albert Einstein Faculty of Medicine of NY) |
LITERATURE REF. | This data is not available for free |
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