Main > NEUROLOGY. > NeuroTransmitter > Marijuana-like chemical: Anandamide

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OBSERVATION'S Experiments in rats firmly establishes that Anandamide, a natural substance found in the brain that binds to the same receptors as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana is a NEUROTRANSMITTER involved in regulating movement in animals.
The researchers found that stimulating nerve cells in the dorsal striatum, a part of the brain involved in controlling movement, caused the cells to release ANANDAMIDE. Injecting this brain region with the dopamine-like drug QUINPRIOLE also caused increases in anandamide release. When anandamide activity was blocked, rats treated with quinpriole became hyperactive suggesting that anandamide functions to modulate the effects of dopamine
UPDATE 04.99
USES The finding may lead to new treat for movement disorders such as PARKINSON'S disease & TOURETTE's syndrome as well as DRUG ADDICTION, since abnormalities in the dopamine system in the brain are thought to play major role in all of these conditions
AUTHOR Piomelli Daniele; Pharmacology associate prof.; Uni. California at Irvine
LITERATURE REF. Nat. Neurosci., 2, p. 358 (1999)

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