S1P | Sphingosine-1-Phosphate |
S1P1 | Sphingosine-1-Phosphate receptor 1 |
SA | Sebacic Acid |
SA | Self Assembly |
SA | Staphylococcus Aureus |
SA | Sigma Agonist |
SA | Saudi Arabia |
SAA | Serum Amyloid A |
SAAS | SoftWare As A Service |
SAB | Scientific Advisory Board |
SABIC | SAudi Basic Industries Corp. |
SAC | Self Aligned Cell |
SAD | Seasonal Affective Disorder |
SAD | Social Anxiety Disorder |
SADT | Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers (Warrendale, PA., USA) |
SAF | sustainable aviation fuel |
SAGE | Serial Analysis of Gene Expression |
SAH | Sodium Aluminum Hydride |
SAH | S Adenosyl Homocysteine |
SAH | Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage |
SAHA | Suberoyl Anilide Hydroxamic Acid (oncology) |
SAHH | S Adenosyl Homocysteine Hydrolase |
SAID | Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drug |
SAIL | Stereo Array Isotope Labeling |
SALCL | Systemic Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma |
SALDE | Self Aligned Locally Deep-diffused Emitter |
SALEN | SALicilaldehyde Ethylene DiamiNe |
SAM | Self Assembled Monolayer |
SAM | S Adenosyl Methionine |
SaMD | Software as a Medical Device |
SAME | S-Adenosyl MEthionine |
SAN | Styrene Acrylo Nitrile copolymer |
SAN | Storage Area Networks |
SANE | Solvent Assisted Nanoscale Embossing |
SAP | Super Absorbent Polymer |
SAP | Serum Amyloid Protein |
SAPL | Surface Active Phospho Lipid |
SAPO | Silica Alumina PO4 |
SAPPA | Speckling Anti Pan Polymorphonuclear Ab |
SAR | Staphylococcus Aureus Regulated protein |
SAR | Structure Activity Relationship |
SAR Allerg | Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis |
SARM | Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
SAS | Self-Assembled chromophore Superlattice |
SAW | Surface Acoustic Wave |
SB | Solvent Based |
SBC | Styrene Block Copolymers |
SBDD | Structure Based Drug Design |
SBE | Starch Branching Enzyme |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research |
SBLA | Supplemental Biologics License Application (BioPharma/FDA) |
SBM | Styrene Butadiene MMA |
SBM Gastro | spontaneous bowel movement |
SBPC | Sociedade Brasileira para Progresso da Ciencia (Brazil) |
SBR | Styrene Butadiene Rubber |
SBRT | Stereotactic Body RT |
SBS | Styrene Butadiene Styrene (triblock copolymer) |
SBS | Short Bowel Syndrome |
SBSE | Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (GC/MS analytics) |
SC Electro | Semi Conductor |
SC Eye | Stratum Corneum |
SC Injecti | Sub Cutaneous |
SCA | Spino Cerebellar Ataxia |
SCAD | spontaneous coronary artery dissection |
SCADS | Statistical Computationally Assisted Design Strategy |
SCBDI | Short Chain Branching Distribution Index |
SCD | sickle cell disease |
SCF | Stem Cell Factor |
SCF | Stem Cell growth Factor |
SCFV | Single Chain Fragment Variable |
SCI | Spinal Cord Injury |
SCID | Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency |
SCII | Sub Cutaneous Insulin Inj. |
SCLC | Small Cell Lung Cancer |
scMRD | single cell MRD |
SCN | Severe Chronic Neutropenia |
SCNT | Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer |
SCORR | Supercritical CO2 Resist Remover |
SCR | Selective Catalytic Reduction (NOx redn by urea) |
SCS | spinal cord stimulation |
SCT | Stem Cell Transplant |
SD | Software Defined |
SD | Single Domain |
SDA | Structure Directing Agent |
SDA | Steari Donic Acid |
SDC | Samaria Doped Ceria |
SDF | Silver Diamine Fluoride |
SDI | Sorbitol Dehydrogenase Inhibitors |
SDMS | Scientific Data Management System |
SDR | Software Defined Radios |
SDS | Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate |
SDS | Solid Delivery System |
SDS-PAGE | Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis |
SE | Staphylococcal Enterotoxin |
SE | SwEden |
SEA | Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A |
SEA | Sugar Engineered Antibody |
SEBS | Styrene Ethylene Butene Styrene copolymer |
SEC | Size Exclusion Chromatography |
SEC | Soft Elastic Capsules |
SEC | Securities & Exchange Commission |
SECC | Strong Error Correction Code |
SECM | Scanning Electro Chemical Microscopy |
SEDA | Standby Equity Distribution Agreement |
sEEG | stereo EEG |
SEGA | Sub Ependymal Giant cell Astrocytoma |
SEGRA | SElective Glucocorticoid Receptor Agonist |
SELDI-TOF | Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight |
SEM | 2-Sulfo Ethyl Methacrylate |
SEMI | Semiconductor Equipment & Materials Intl. |
SEOF | Self Emulsifying Oily Formulation |
SEP | Synthetic Erythropoiesis Protein |
SEPS | Styrene Ethylene Propene Styrene terpolymer elastomer |
SER | Sequestration Enabling Reagents (CombiChem) |
SERA | Selective Endothelin-A Receptor Antagonists |
SERD | Selective Estrogen Receptor Downregulator |
SERM | Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator |
SERS | Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy |
SES | Solid Emulsion System |
SET | Single Electron Transistor |
SET | Staphylococcus aureus Entero Toxins |
SFA | Superficial Femoral Artery |
SFASE | Sucrose Fatty Acid Sulphate Ester |
SFC | Supercritical Fluid Chromatography |
SFDI | Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging |
SFI | Solid Fat Index |
SFR | Stable Free Radical |
SFVE | Sulfonyl Fluoride Vinyl Ether |
SGA | Small for Gestational Age |
SGLT | Sodium GLucose co-Transporter |
SGRI | Selective GABA Reuptake Inhibitor |
SGRT | surface-guided radiation therapy |
SH | Src Homology (protein) |
SHIV | Simian Human Immunodeficiency Viruses |
SHM | Somatic Hyper Mutation |
SHOP | Shell Higher Olefin Process |
SHP | Src Homology Phosphatase |
SHPT | Secondary Hyper Para Thyroidism |
SHR | ScapuloHumeral Rhythm |
SHS | Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis |
SHTG | Severe HyperTriGlyceridemia |
SI | Slovenia |
SI Spine | SacroIliitis and SacroIliac |
SIAB | Succinimidyl-(4-Iodoacetyl) Amino Benzoate |
SiC | Silicon Carbide |
SICM | Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome |
SIF | Synthesis Inhibiting Factor (DNA) |
SIF | Sacral Insufficiency Fracture |
SIMS | Single Insertion Multiple Sample |
SINM | Statin Induced Neuro Myopathy |
SIP | Structural Insulated Panel |
SIPA | Shear Stress Induced Platelet Aggregation |
SIPA | 5-Sulfo Iso Phthalic Acid |
SIR | Signal Regulatory Protein |
SIRNA | Small Interference RNA |
SIRT | Selective Internal Radiation Therapy |
SIS | Styrene Isoprene Styrene (triblock copolymer) |
SIS | Structural Insulating Sheathing |
SIV | Simian Immunodeficiency Virus |
SjS | Sjögren Syndrome |
SK | SlovaKia |
SLA | Stereo Lithography Apparatus |
SLE | Systemic Lupus Erythematosis |
SLI | Starting Lighting & Ignition |
SLR | Sustained Limus Release |
SLS | Sodium Lauryl Sulfate |
SLT | Shiga Like Toxin |
SLT Eye | selective laser trabeculoplasty |
SM | Samarium |
SM | Small Molecule |
SMA | Styrene Maleic Anhydride Copolymer |
SMA Neuro. | Spinal Muscular Atrophy |
SMAC | Second Mitochondria-derived Activator of Caspases |
SMB | Simulated Moving Bed (LC) |
SMBG | Self Monitoring Blood Glucose |
SMC | Smooth Muscle Cell |
SMC | Sheet Molded Compound |
SMC | Synthetic Micro Chromosome |
SMC | Scottish Medicines Consortium |
SMCC | Silicified Micro Crystalline Cellulose |
SMD | Stargardt s Macular Dystrophy |
SME | Sub Micron Emulsion |
SMFS | Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy |
SMI | Small Molecule Inhibitor |
SMIP | Small Modular Immuno Pharmaceutical |
SMM | Single Molecule Magnet |
SMN | Survival Motor Neuron |
SMSLS | Simultaneous Multiple Sample Light Scattering |
SMT | surface-mount-technology |
SNAC | Sodium N-(8-(2-hydroxybenzoyl)Amino)Caprylate |
SNAP | Significant New Alternatives Policy (EPA) |
SNCR | Selective Non Catalytic Reduction (NOx redn by urea) |
SNDA | Supplemental New Drug Application |
SNECMA | Societé Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs d'Aviation (France) |
SNM | Sacral NeuroModulation |
SNOBS | Sodium Nonanoyl Oxy Benzene Sulphonate |
SNP | Single Nucleotide Polymorphism |
SNRI | Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor |
SNRI | Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor |
SO | Septal Occluder |
SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
SOC Ca | Store Operated Calcium |
SOC Chip | Server On Chip |
SOCIAL | Speed Open Cooperation Individual Alignment Leadership |
SOD | Super Oxide Dismutase |
SOD | Spin On Dielectric |
SOE | Spiro Ortho Ester |
SOFC | Solid Oxide Fuel Cell |
SOFI | Stochastic Optical Fluctuation Imaging |
SOG | Spin On Glass |
SOLN | Solution |
SOLY | Solubility |
SOR | Super Oxide Reductase |
SORS | Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy |
SOS | Stearate-Oleate-Stearate |
SOS | sinusoidal obstruction syndrome |
SPA | Special Protocol Assessment (FDA) |
SPAF | Stroke Prevn. in patients with Atrial Fibrillation |
SPAN | Sulfonated Poly ANiline |
SPC | Supplementary Protection Certificates (Pharma Industry) |
SPD | surge protective devices |
SPE | Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin |
SPE | Solid Phase Extraction |
SPECT | Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography |
SPF | Sunscreen Protection Factor |
SPF | Sun Protection Factor |
SPF | Spray Polyurethane Foam |
SPI | Society of the Plastics Industry |
SPION | super-paramagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticle |
SPLA | Secretory Phospho Lipase A |
SPME | Solid-Phase Micro Extraction |
SPMS | Secondary Progressive MS neuro |
SpO2 | blood Oxygen Saturation |
SPPS | Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis |
SPRI | Schering-Plough Research Institute |
SPS | Syndiotactic Poly Styrene |
SPS | Sulfonated Poly Styrene |
SPS | Spark Plasma Sintering |
SPT | Sensory Perception Technologies |
SPU | Segmented Poly Urethane |
SR COAT. | Scratch Resistant |
SR Drug De | Sustained Release |
SR Textile | Spray Rating |
SRBA | Selective Relaxant Binding Agent |
SRBC | Sheep Red Blood Cell |
SRCAP | SNF2 Related CBP Activator Protein |
SRE | Sterol Response Element |
SRE | Skeletal-Related Events |
SRP | Soil Release Polymer |
SRP | Self-Reinforced Polyphenylene |
SRRC | Southern Regional Research Center (USDA) |
SRS | Sulphate Removal System |
SRS | Stimulated Raman Scattering |
SRS | Stereotactic Radio Surgery |
SRT | Sulfur Removal Technologies |
SRV | Safety Release Valve |
SSAO | Semicarbazide Sensitive Amine Oxidase |
SSB | Single Stranded DNA Binding (protein) |
SSD | Site Specific Dosage |
SSF | Simultaneous Saccharification & Fermentation |
SSI | surgical site infection |
SSL | Steel Strip Laminate |
SSP | Solid State Process (PolyEster) |
SSP | Solid State Polymn. (PolyEster) |
SSR | Site Specific Recombinase |
SSRI | Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor |
SSTI | Skin and Soft Tissue Infections |
SSTR | Somato Statin Type Receptor |
ST | Stent Thrombosis |
ST | Spin Transition |
ST | Supraventricular Tachycardia |
STA | Shuttle Tile Ablator |
STABN | Stabilization |
STABR | Stabilizer |
STAC | Sir Tuin Activating Compounds |
STB | Sodium Tertiary Butoxide (Base) |
STBBIs | Sexually Transmitted Blood-Borne Infections |
STD | Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
STDP | Selective Toluene Dis Proportionation (p-xylene mfg) |
STEMI | ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction |
STH | Somato Tropin Hormone |
STI | Shallow Trench Isolation (Electronics) |
STI Infect | Sexual Transmitted Infection |
STM | Scanning Tunneling Microscopy |
STPP | Sodium Tri Poly Phosphate |
STR | Short Tandem Repeats |
STR | Skeletal Targeted Radiotherapy |
STS | Secondary Traumatic Stress |
STS Onco. | Soft Tissue Sarcoma |
STT | Spinning Tube-in-Tube (chemical reactor) |
SU | Sulfamoyl Urea (herbicides) |
SU | Sulfonyl Ureas |
SuFEx | Sulfur Fluoride Exchange |
SUI | Stress Urinary InContinence |
SUID | Sudden Unexpected Infant Death |
SUPAR | Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor |
SUR | Sulfonyl Urea Receptor (obesity, diabetes) |
SURH | Sulfonyl Urea Receptor Human |
SURI | Selective Uric acid Reabsorption Inhibitor |
SUV | Small Unilamellar Vesicle (liposome) |
SUV | Sport Utility Vehicle |
SV | Smaller Vessels |
SV Stroke | Stroke Volume |
SVAS | Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis |
SVP | Sealed Vasectomy Procedure |
SVR | Sustained Viral Response |
SVR Vascul | Systemic Vascular Resistance |
SVV | Stroke Volume Variation |
SWD | Shift Work Disorder |
SWIR | Short Wave IR |
SWNT | Single Wall Nano Tube |
SWSD | Shift Work Sleep Disorder |
SYK | Spleen tYrosine Kinase |
SYR | SYringe infusion pump |