R-CHP | Rituximab+Cyclophosphamide+Doxorubicin+Prednisone |
RA | Receptor Antagonist |
RA | Refractory Anemia |
RA Rheuma. | Rheumatoid Arthritis |
RAA | recurrent Amino Acid |
RACP | Radiation Activated Cytotoxin Prodrug (oncology) |
RAEB | Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts |
RAF | Rapidly Accelerated Fibrosarcoma |
RAFT | Reversible Addition Fragmentation chain Transfer |
RAGE | Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products |
RAGE | Random Activation of Gene Expression |
RAM | Ram Access Memory |
RANK | Receptor Activator of Nuclear factor Kappa B |
RANKL | Receptor Activator of Nuclear factor Kappa B Ligand |
RAP | Receptor-Associated Protein |
RAPD | Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA |
RAPID | Regulated Accumulation of Protein for Immediate Delivery (Therapeutic protein delivery technique) |
RAR | Retinoic Acid Receptor |
RARS | Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts |
RAS | Renin-Angiotensin System |
RASP | Real-time web APP. Security & Protection |
RB | Retino Blastoma |
RBC | Red Blood Cell |
RBLI | Recovery Boiler Leak Indication |
RBS | Retained Blood Syndrome |
RC | Re Combinant |
RC | Resistance Capacitance |
RCC | Reinforced Carbon-Carbon |
RCC | Red Cell Concentrates |
RCC Onco. | Renal Cell Carcinoma |
RCL | Rotator Cuff Lesion |
RCM | Ring Closing Metathesis |
RCP | Riboflavin Carrier Protein |
RCS | Resin Coated Sand |
RCT | Reverse Cholesterol Transport (See RLT) |
RD | Respiratory Depression |
RDA | Required Dosage Amount |
RDAF | Recombinant Direct Acting Fibrinolytic |
RDEB | Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa |
RDN | Renal De Nervation |
RDS | Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
RE | RE Issue (USA Patents) |
REACH | Registration, Evaluation, Authorization &, CHemical Substances |
REMS | Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy |
REOS | Rapid Elimination Of Swill (pharma drug discovery/screening method) |
REOVirus | Respiratory Enteric Orphan Virus |
RESIST. | Resistance |
RET | REarranged during Transfection (Oncology) |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFA | Radio Frequency Ablation |
RFB | Redox Flow Battery |
RFD | Refuse Fuel Derived |
RFID | Radio Frequency IDentification |
RFP | Request For Proposals |
RFQMR | Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance |
RGE | Rotavirus Gastro Enteritis |
RH | Radio Hybrid |
RH Pneumo. | Respiratory Health |
Rha | Rhamnose |
rHA | Recombinant Hem Agglutinin |
rHDL | Reconstituted High Density Lipoprotein |
rhGAA | recombinant human GAA |
rhIGF | Recombinant Human Insulin-like Growth Factor |
rhSOD | Recombinant Human Super Oxide Dismutase |
RIE | Reactive Ion Etch |
RIE | Right sided Infective Endocarditis |
RIGS | Radio Immuno Guided Surgery |
RIM | Reaction Injection Molding |
RIME | Receptor-Induced Magnetic Enhancement |
RIPA | Ristocetin Induced Platelet Aggregation |
RISC | RNA Induced Silencing Complex (RNAI) |
RLD | Reference Listed Drug |
RLS | Restless Legs Syndrome |
RLT | Reverse Lipid Transport |
RMB | Rapid Melt Beads (Pharma.>Drug Delivery) |
RMD | Respiratory Monitoring Device |
RMM | Remote Monitoring and Management |
RMS | Relapsing MS |
RNA | RiboNucleic Acid |
RNAI | RNA Interference |
RNP | Ribo Nucleo Protein |
RNT | Rhinitis Neurolysis Therapy |
RO | Reverse Osmosis |
ROA | Raman Optical Activity |
ROCK | RhO associated Coiled-coil Kinase |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
ROMP | Ring - Opening Metathesis Polymerization |
ROP | Ring Opening Polymn. |
ROP | Retinopathy Of Prematurity |
ROP | Recombinant Overlapping Peptide |
ROS | Reactive Oxygen Species |
ROU | romania |
RP | Retinitis Pigmentosa |
RP-HPLC | Reversed Phase capillary HPLC (Abbrev.) |
rPA | Recombinant Protective Antigen (anthrax vaccine) |
RPD | Rapid Plasma Deposition |
RPE | Retinal Pigment Epithelium |
RPE | Referential Preservation Engine (Web-Sites) |
rPFS | radiographic Progression-Free Survival |
RPM | Remote Patient Monitoring |
RPPA | Reverse Phase Protein Array |
RRAM | Resistive Random Access Memory |
RRMM | Relapsed or Refractory MM |
RRMS | Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis |
RS | ring sideroblasts |
RS Country | Serbia |
RSA | Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty |
RSD | Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy |
RSS | "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary" |
RSV | Respiratory Syncytial Virus |
RT | Retention Time |
RT Onco. | Radio Therapy |
RTA | Ready To Administer |
RTC | Rear Toe Control |
RTF | Real Time Focusing |
RTH | Resistance to Thyroid Hormone |
RTI | Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor |
RTI | Respiratory Tract Infections |
RTLS | Real-Time Location Systems |
RTM | Resin Transfer Molding |
RTM | Registered Trade Mark |
RTM | Real Time Monitoring |
RTOR | Real Time Oncology Review |
rtPA | Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator (thrombolytic agent) |
RTS | Radiation Therapy System |
RTV | Room Temperature Vulcanizable |
RTV Lung | Relative Tidal Volume |
RU | RUssia |
RUO | Research Use Only |
RV | Recreational Vehicles |
RVI | Right Ventricular Involvement |
RVO | Retinal Vein Occlusion |
RVP | Respiratory Viral Panel |
RVVC | Recurrent VulvoVaginal Candidiasis |
RWE | Real World Evidence |
RWH | Red Wine Headache |
RXR | Retinoid X Receptor |
RXR | ReXinoid Receptor |