NA | North America or North American |
NA | Notice of Allowance (Patents) |
NAA | N-Acetylaspartate |
NAA | Naphthalene Acetic Acid |
nAChR | Nicotinic Acetyl Choline Receptor |
NAD | Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide |
NAD | Non Aq. Dispersion |
NADA | New Animal Drug Application |
NADH | Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Hydrogenated. |
NAE | NEDD8-Activating Enzyme |
NAF | Neuronal Attachment Factor |
NAFLD | NonAlcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
NAION | Non-arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy |
NAIST | NAra Institute of Science & Technology (Japan) |
NAMPRT | NicotinAMide PhosphoRibosyl Transferase (Oncology) |
NAO | Normal Alpha Olefin |
NAP | Nematode Anticoagulant Protein |
NAPU | Network Addressable Processing Unit |
NARI | Nor Adrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors |
NAS | N Acetyl Serotonin |
NAS Steroi | NeuroActive Steroid |
NASA | National Aeronautics & Space Administration (USA Government) |
NASBA | Nucleic Acid Sequence Base Amplification |
NASH | Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis |
NAT | Nucleic Acid Tests |
NATA | National-scale Air Toxics Assessment (USA - EPA) |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NBC | Niacin Bound Chromium |
NBE | New Biological Entities |
NBI | Narrow Band Imaging |
NBR | Nitrile Butadiene Rubber |
NBS | Navigated Brain Stimulation |
NBT | Navigated Brain Therapy |
NCA | N (nitrogen) Carboxy Anhydride |
NCA | Non Coordinating Anion |
NCAUR | National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (USDA) |
NCBI | National Center for Biotechnology Information (U.S.A. Government) |
NCCN | National Comprehensive Cancer Network |
NCE | New Chemical Entity |
NCG | non-condensable gas |
NCI | National Cancer Institute (USA) |
NCL | Neutrophil Chemotactic Lymphokine |
NCMC | NIST (Abbrev.) Combinatorial Methods Center |
NCP | Non Cancer Pain |
ncRNA | non coding RNA |
NCT | N-Chloro Taurine |
ND | Newcastle Disease |
Nd-PBR | Neodymium Poly Butadiene Rubber |
NDA | Naphthalene Dicarboxylic Acid |
NDA | New Drug Application (FDA) |
NDGA | Nor Dihydro Guaiaretic Acid |
NDO | Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity |
NDPA | Nitro Di Phenyl Amine |
NDPK | Nucleoside Di Phosphate Kinase |
NDRI | Norepinephrine & Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors |
NDT | non destructive testing |
NE | Neutrophil Elastase |
NE | Netherlands |
NEC | National Economic Council (USA) |
NECAR | New Electric CAR |
NED | No Evidence of Disease |
NEI | Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitor |
NEI Onco. | Nuclear Export Inhibitors |
NEJM | New England Journal of Medicine |
NEMS | Nano Electro Mechanical Systems |
NER | Nucleotide Excision Repair (Oncology) |
NES | Normal Epithelial Specific protein |
NET | Neuro Endocrine Tumors |
NET Hemato | neutrophil extracellular trap |
NEXAFS | Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure |
NF | Nitro Furazone (Antibiotics) |
NfL Neuro. | Neuro filament Light chain |
NFPA | National Food Processors Association (USA) |
NFT | non-fungible tokens |
NG | Non Generic |
NGAL | Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin |
NGF | Nerve Growth Factor |
NGS | next generation sequencing |
NHC | N Heterocyclic Carbene |
NHGRI | National Human Genome Research Institute (USA - NIH) |
NHL | Non Hodgkins Lymphoma |
NHMFL | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
NHPI | N-Hydroxy Phthal Imide |
NHS | N-Hydroxyl Sulfosuccinimide |
NIAID | National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIH; USA) |
NIAMS | National Institute of Arthritis & Musculoskeletal & Skin (USA - NIH) |
NIBIB | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging & Bioengineering (USA - NIH) |
NIBR | Novartis Institute of Biomedical Research (USA) |
NICE | National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit |
NIDCR | National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research (NIH) |
NIDDM | Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus |
NIEHS | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (USA>NIH) |
NIF | Neutrophil Inhibitory Factor |
NIGMS | National Institute of General Medical Sciences [USA - (NIH)] |
NIH | National Institutes of Health (USA Government) |
NIMH | National Institute of Mental Health (USA - NIH) |
NIMS | National Institute for Materials Science (Japan) |
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (USA) |
NiPhC | Nickel Phthalo Cyanine (dye) |
NIPPV | Non Invasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation |
NIR | Near Infra Red |
NIRS | Near Infra Red Spectroscopy |
NIST | National Institute of Standards & Technology (Commerce Dept.; USA) |
NIT | 2-n-Nonyl Iso Thiazolin-3-one (Biocide) |
NIV | Non Invasive Ventilation |
NJNC | New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium |
NK | Neuro Kinin |
NK | Natural Killer (immunology; lymphocytes) |
NKEFB | Natural Killer cell Enhancing Factor B |
NKT | NK T cell modulators |
NL | Nano Lithography |
NL | NetherLands |
NLG | Natural Language Generation |
NLM | National Library of Medicine (U.S.A. Government) |
NLO | Non Linear Optical |
NMA | N-Methylol Acrylamide |
NMB | Neuro Muscular Blockade |
NMBA | Non-depolarizing neuroMuscular Blocking Agent |
NMC | Ni Mn Co |
NMDA | N Methyl D Aspartate |
NMDAR | N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor |
nmDBMD | Nonsense Mutation Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy |
NME | New Molecular Entity (Pharma.) |
NMIBC | non-muscle invasive bladder cancer |
NMJ | NeuroMuscular Junction |
NMOS | N - type Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
NMP | Non Metal Product |
NMP | Nitroxide Mediated Polymn. (Living controlled polymn.) |
NMP | Nuclear Matrix Protein |
NMP | N-Methyl Pyrrolidone |
NMPA | National Medical Products Administration (CN) |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance |
nMSC | neonatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells |
NNI | National Nanotechnology Initiative (USA Government) |
NNR | Neuronal Nicotinic Receptors |
NNRTI | Non Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor |
NO | Nitric Oxide |
NO | NOrway |
NOA | Notice Of Allowance |
NOBS | Nonanoyl Oxy Benzene Sulfonate |
NOEL | No Observable-Effects Level |
NOH | Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension |
NOI | Notice of Intention |
NOP | Naso-OroPharyngeal |
NOS | Nitric Oxide Synthase |
NOS | Nitrogen oxide Overproduction Syndrome |
NOS | Nitrogen oxide Overproduction Syndrome |
NP | NasoPharyngeal |
NPA | Notice of Patent Allowance |
NPB | n Pr Bromide |
NPC | Nuclear Pore Complex |
NPC | Niemann Pick C (disease) |
NPC Onco. | Naso Pharyngeal Carcinoma |
NPCA | National Paint & Coatings Association (USA) |
NPCM | Non-PHA Cell Material |
NPD | New Product Development |
NPDR | Non-Proliferative DR |
NPE | Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylate |
NPG | Neo Pentyl Glycol |
NPH | Neutral Protamine Hagedorn |
NPI | Non Polarity Index (Ester Lubricants) |
NPLS | Non Patent Literature Source |
NPM | Nucleo Phosmin protein Mutants |
NPN | Non Protein Nitrogen |
NPRA | Natriuretic Peptide Receptor A |
NPT | Nanosphere Preconcentrate Technology |
NPU | Neural Processing Unit |
NPWT | Negative Pressure Wound Therapy |
NPY | Neuro Peptide Y |
NR | Natural Rubber |
nr axSpA | non radiographic axSpA |
NRAMP | Natural Resistance Associated Macrophage Protein |
NRAS | Neuroblastoma RAS |
NRC | National Research Council |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (USA's Dept. of Energy) |
NRP | Non-Ribosomal Peptide |
NRPS | Non Ribosomal Peptide Synthetase |
NRTI | Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor |
NRU | Nitrogen Recovery Unit |
NS | Non Structural (Protein) |
NSAID | Non - Steroid Anti - Inflammatory Drugs |
NSCLC | Non Small Cell Lung Cancer |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSRI | Norepinephrine Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors |
NSTC | National Science & Technology Council (USA) |
NSTE | Non ST Elevation (Cardiology) |
NSTEMI | Non-ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction |
NT | Neuro Trophin |
NT | Neuro Tensin |
NT Pro BNP | N-Terminal Pro-B-type Natriuretic Peptide |
NTA | Nitrilo Tri Acetate |
NTA | Non Transparent Automotive (trim uses) |
NTDDS | Nerve Targeted Drug Delivery System |
NTE | Negative-Thermal-Expansion |
NTF | Neuro Trophic Factor |
NTM | Non Tuberculous Mycobacterium |
nTMS | navigated TMS |
NTP | National Toxicology Program [Dept Health & Human Services (USA)] |
NTP | Nano Transfer Printing (Electronics) |
NTP | Neural Thread Protein (Alzheimers Disease) |
NTR | Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate Thioredoxin Reductase |
NTR | Non Translated Region (gene engineering) |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board (U.S.A.) |
NUTI | Nosocomial Urinary Tract Infection |
NVAF | non-valvular atrial fibrillation |
NVH | Noise, Vibration & Harshness |
nVNS | noninvasive VNS |
NVP | N-Vinyl Pyrrolidone |
NW | Non Woven |
NYHA | New York Heart Association |
NYLS | Navy Yoelii Liver Stage (Malaria) |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |