c AMP | Cyclic Adenosine Mono Phosphate |
C Section | Cesarean Section |
C&D | Construction & Demolition |
C1B | Cure 1 Bake |
CA | CAnada |
CAA | Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy |
CAAS | ev Charging As A Service |
CAB | Controlled Atmosphere Brazing |
CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft |
CABP | Community Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia |
CACHy | Catalytic Asymmetric Cyano Hydrin (technology) |
CAD | Cellular Activator & Differentiator |
CAD (IT) | Computer Aided Design |
CAD Cardio | Coronary Artery Disease |
CAD Hemato | Cold Agglutinin Disease |
CADASIL | Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy |
CADD | Computer Aided Drug Design |
CAEV | Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus |
CAEV | Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus |
CAF | CD8 Antiviral Factor (AIDS) |
CAGE | Cooperation for Analysis of Gene Expression |
CAGR | Compounded Annual Growth Rate |
CAI | Crystal Adhesion Inhibitor (Urology - Lithiasis) |
CAIA | Collagen Antibody Induced Arthritis |
CALB | Candida Antarctica Lipase B |
CALCL | Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma |
CALD | Cerebral Adreno Leuko Dystrophy |
CaM | Cal Modulin |
CAM | Cell Adhesion Molecule |
CAM | Cathode Active Materials |
CaMPDE | Cal Modulin Phospho Di Esterase |
CAP | Condensation Aerosol Particles |
CAP | Community Acquired Pneumonia |
CAPS | Computer Assisted Personalized Sedation |
CAPS | Cryopyrin Associated Periodic Syndromes |
CAPS | Catastrophic Antiphos Pholipid Syndrome |
CAR | chimeric antigen receptor |
CARK | Cardiac-related Ankyrin-Repeat Kinase |
CARS | Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Scattering |
CART | Cocaine & Amphetamine Related Transcript |
CART | Constitutively Active Receptor Technology |
CART Onco | Chimeric Antigen Receptor T |
CAS | Chemical Abstract Service |
CAS | Cellular Apoptosis Susceptibility (protein) |
CAS | Carotid Artery Stenting |
CAS | Computer Assisted Solutions |
CASMAT | Consortium for Advanced Semiconductor MAterials & related Technologies |
CASPI | Coatings, Adhesives, Specialty Polymers, and Inks |
CAT | Cambridge Antibody Technology |
CAT | CATalysis; CATalyst |
CAT Aviati | Clear Air Turbulence |
CAT PAD | Cell Adherent Technology |
CATHy | Catalytic Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation |
CAUTI | Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections |
CAV | Chicken Anemia Virus |
CBA | Carboxy Benz Aldehyde |
CBA | Cyano Benzyl Amine |
CBB | Coomassie Brilliant Blue (dye) |
CBBM | Center for Biocatalysis & Bioprocessing of Macromolecules |
CBC | Calcium Binding Capacity |
CBD | Canna Bi Diol |
CBD | Conditionally Bioreversible Derivative |
CBE | Center for Biomedical Engineering (USA - MIT) |
CBGM | Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring |
CBO | Chief Brand Officer |
CBO | Chief Bus. Officer |
CBO | Congress Budget Office (USA) |
CBP | CREB Binding Protein |
CBR | Calcium Binding Rate |
CBS | Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Netherlands) |
CBS | Central Bureau voor Schimmelcultures at Baam (NE) |
CBT | Cyclic Butylene Terephthalate (oligomer) |
CBT Insomn | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
CC | Clear Coat |
CCA | Charge Control Agent (Electrophotography) |
CCA | Chromated Copper Arsenate (wood preservative) |
CCA | Crystalline Colloidal Array |
CCB | Calcium Channel Blocker |
CCC | Chlorine Chemistry Council (USA) |
CCC | Counter Current Chromatography |
CCD | Charge Coupled Device |
CCK | Chole Cysto Kinin |
CCO | Chief Commercial Officer |
CCoAMT | Caffeoyl Co A 3-O Methyl Transferase. |
CCP | Cyclic Citrulinated Peptide |
CCR | Cell Cycle Regulatory |
CCR | Chemo Kine Receptor |
CCS | Carbon Capture and Sequestration (Storage) |
CCSA | Colon Cancer-Specific Antigen |
CCTA | Coronary Computer Tomography Angiography |
CCTEC | Cornell Center for Technology, Enterprise & Commercialization |
CCV | Canine Corona Virus. |
CCVC | Catalytic Carbon Vapour Deposition |
CD | Compact Disc Disk |
CD | Circular Disk |
CD | Controlled Delivery |
CD | Cluster of Differentiation (Antigens) |
CD | Circular Dichroism |
CD | Catalytic Domain |
CD Gastro. | Crohns DIS. |
CDA | Cancer Differentiation Analysis |
CDAD | Clostridium Difficile-Associated Diarrhea |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control & Prevn (USA) |
CDC | Cross Dehydrogenative Coupling |
CDC | Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity |
CDD | CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder |
CDER | Center for Drug Evaluation & Research (linked to USA - FDA) |
CDG | Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation |
CDI | Clostridium Difficile Infection |
CDK | Cyclin Dependent Kinase |
CDKi | Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitors |
CDKL5 | Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Like 5 |
CDL | Chemical Diversity Labs |
CDM | Cyclohexane Di Methanol |
CDM | Clean Dev. Mechanism (Kyoto Protocol) |
CDMO | Contract Development & MFG. ORG. |
CDO | C Doped Oxides |
CDO | Chief Dev. Officer |
CDPET | Cationic Dyeable Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) |
CDR | Complementarity Determining Region |
CDS | Colonic Delivery System |
CDS | Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome |
CDT | Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin |
CDTA | Cis-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane Tetraacetic Acid |
CE | Capillary Electrophoresis |
CEA | Commissariat Energie Atomique (France) |
CEA | Carcino Embryonic Antigen (oncology) |
CEA | Cation Exchange Adsorbent |
CEA | Carotid End Arterectomy |
CEBC | Crystalline Ethylene Butene Copolymer |
CEC | Capillary Electro Chromatography |
CEC Ophtha | Corneal Endothelial Disease |
CED | Convection-Enhanced Delivery |
CEDD | Centers of Excellence for Drug Discovery |
CEDI | Continuous Electronic De Ionization (Water Treat.) |
CEE | Central & Eastern Europe |
CEG | Controlled Environment Genetics |
CEI | Consortium fur Elektrochemische Industrie (DE) |
CEIT | 5-Chloro-2-Ethyl-3-Iso Thiazolone (Biocide) |
CEL | Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia |
CEM | Contrast-Enhanced Mammography |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CEOR | Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery |
CEP | Cerebral Embolic Protection |
CER | C Emissions Receipts |
CERA | Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator |
CES | Cranial ElectroTherapy Stimulation |
CETP | Cholesterol Ester Transport Protein |
CEX | Cation EXchange |
CF | Cystic Fibrosis |
CFC | Chloro Fluoro Carbon |
cfDNA | cell free DNA |
CFIA | Canadian Food Inspection Agency |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFRP | Controlled Free Radical Polymn. |
CFRP | C-Fibre Reinforced Plastics |
CFS | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
CFSAN | Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (USA Government's FDA) |
CFT | Cryo-Fluorescence Tomography |
CFTR | Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator |
CGD | Chronic Granulomatous Disease |
CGH | Comparative Genome Hybridization |
CGI | Cold Gas Inflator |
CGL | Charge Generating Layer (electrophotography) |
Cgl | Cyclo Hexyl Glycine |
CGM | Continuous Glucose Monitoring |
CGMP | Current Good Mfg Practices (Pharma.) |
CGMP | Cyclic Guanosine Mono Phosphate |
CGP | Ca Glycero Phosphate |
CGP Onco. | Comprehensive Genomic Profiling |
CGRP | Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide |
CGT | Cell and Gene Therapy |
cGVHD | chronic GVHD |
CH | Confederation Helvetique |
CHAMP | Computed Helical Antimembrane Protein |
CHB | Chronic Hepatitis B |
CHC | Chlorinated Hydrocarbon |
CHD | Congenital Heart Disease |
CHD | Coronary Heart Disease |
CHDA | Cyclo Hexyl Dicarboxylic Acid (HOOC-C6H10-COOH) |
CHDM | 1,4-Cyclo Hexa Di Methanol |
CHDRF | Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors |
CHEMRAWN | CHEMistry Research Applied to World Needs |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
CHHP | Cyclo Hexyl Hydro Peroxide |
CHHPM | Cyclo Hexyl Hydroxy Propyl Maleate |
CHIKV | CHIKungunya Virus |
CHK | CHeckpoint Kinase |
CHL | CHLoride |
cHL | classical HL |
CHMP | Committee Human use Medicinal Products (EMEA) |
CHO | Chinese Hamster Ovary |
CHP | Combined Heat & Power (electricity cogeneration) |
CHP | Cumyl Hydro Peroxide |
CHXIT | 4,5-Di Chloro-2-Cyclo Hexyl-3-Iso Thiazolinone (Biocide) |
CI | Color Index |
CI | Competitive Intelligence |
CI-AKI | Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury |
CIA | Chemotherapy Induced Anemia |
CIAI | Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infection |
CIAS | Cognitive Impairment Associated with Schizophrenia |
CIAV | Chicken Infectious Anemia Virus |
CIC | Chronic Idiopathic Constipation |
CID | Chemical Inducer of protein Dimerization (cell biology) |
CIDP | Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy |
CIED | Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device |
CIGB | Centro de Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia (Cuba) |
CIGS | Cu In Ga Selenide |
CIN | Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia |
CIN | Contrast Induced Nephropathy |
CINOD | COX Inhibiting NO Donating (NSAID) |
CINV | Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting |
CIO 1 | Chief Information Officer |
CIO 2 | Chief Innovation Officer |
CIP | Continuation-In-Part |
CIPP | Cured In Place Pipe |
CIS | Copper Indium Selenium |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CIS Onco. | Carcinoma In Situ |
CIT | Chemotherapy Induced Thrombocytopenia |
CITE | Cap Independent Translation Enhancer |
CITP | Capillary Iso Tacho Phoresis |
CIU | Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria |
CIV | Canine Influenza Virus |
CJD | Creutzfeldt - Jakob Disease |
CK | Creatine Kinase |
CKD | Chronic Kidney Disease |
CKD-aP | CKD-associated Pruritus |
CKM | Continuous Ketone Monitoring |
CL | Cross Linking |
CL Country | ChiLe |
CLA | Conjugated Linoleic Acid |
CLBP | chronic low back pain |
CLC | Cellular Lightweight Concrete |
CLDN | CLauDiN |
CLE | Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy |
CLE | Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy |
CLEC | Cross Linked Enzyme Crystal |
CLEC | Cross Linked Enzyme Crystal |
ClfA | Clumping Factor A (Staphylococcus Aureus) |
CLI | Critical Limb Ischemia |
CLIA | Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments |
CLL | Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia |
CLND | Chemi Luminescent Nitrogen Detector |
CLS | catheter lock solution |
CLTI | Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia |
CM | Cutaneous Melanoma |
CMA | Chemical Manufacturers Association (USA) |
CMC | Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry (database of pharma. drugs or neardrugs) |
CMC | p-Chloro-M-Cresol (biocide) |
CMC | Critical Micelle Concentration |
CMC | Ceramic Matrix Composite |
CMC | Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose |
CMC | Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls (FDA) |
CMF | Cranio Maxillo Facial |
CMF | Cl Me Furfural |
CMI | Cell Mediated Immunity |
CMIA | Chemiluminescent Microparticle Immuno Assay |
CMIT | 5-Chloro-2-Methyl-4-Iso Thiazolin-3-one (Biocide) |
CML | Chronic Myeloid Leukemia |
CML-CP | CML Chronic Phase |
CMLD | Chemical Methodologies & Library Development (CombiChem) |
CMMOL | Chronic Myelo MOnocytic Leukemia |
CMO | Chief Medical Officer |
CMO | Chief Marketing Officer |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
CMP | Chemical - Mechanical Polish |
CMP | Casein Macro Peptides |
CMPE | (Chloro Methyl Phenyl) Ethane |
CMS | Cell Matrix System (CV Pathway) |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services |
CMT | Chemically Modified Tetracycline |
CMU | Concrete Masonry Unit |
CMV | Cyto Megalo Virus |
CMVIE | Cyto Megalo Virus Immediate Early (gene promoter). |
CN | ChiNa |
CNC | Computerized Numerical Control |
CNCM | Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CNP Partic | Calcifying Nano Particles |
CNP Peptid | C-type Natriuretic Peptide |
CNRS | Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique (France) |
CNS | Central Nervous System |
CNS | Center for Neurologic Study (USA) |
CNSL | Cashew Nut Shell Liquid |
CNT | C Nano Tube |
CNTF | Ciliary Neuro Trophic Factor |
CNV | Classic subfoveal Neo Vascularization |
CNV | Choroidal Neo Vascularization |
CNVE | CyaNo-5-methyl-3,6-dioxa-1-octene Vinyl Ether |
CO | COmpany |
CO | Catheter Occlusion |
CO Cardio | Cardiac Output |
COAT. | COATings |
COB | Change Of Business |
COC | Cyclic Olefin Copolymers |
COC WH | Combined Oral Contraceptive |
CODH/ACS | CO De Hydrogenase/Acetyl-Coenzyme A Synthase |
CODLAD | COmbined Diesel-eLectric And Diesel |
COF | Covalent Organic Framework |
COFA | COco nut Fatty Acid |
COFANT | COmmittee for Fair Ammonium Nitrate Trade (fertilizer, USA) |
COH | Control Of Hunger |
COI | Cyclo Oxygenase Inhibitor |
COM | Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate (Urology - Lithiasis) |
COMA | Cyclic Olefin Maleic Anhydride compd. (electronics photoresist) |
COMET | COnsorttium on MEtabonomic Toxicology (Pharma.) |
COMP | Component |
COMPD | Compound |
COMPN | Composition |
COMT | Catechol-O-Methyl Transferase |
CONC | CONCentrate |
ConRAC | Consolidated Rent-A-Car |
CONRAD | Contraceptive Research And Development |
CONTG | Containing |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder |
COPV | Canine Oral Papilloma Virus |
CORP | CORPorate, CORPoration |
COTS | Commercial-Off The Shelf |
COX | Cyclo O Xygenase |
Cp | Cyclo Pentadienyl |
CP | Cis Platin |
CP | Circularly Polarized |
CPA | Chloro Platinic Acid |
CPA | p-Carboxy Phenoxy Acetic anhydride (polymer) |
CPA | Cyclo Phosph Amide (oncology) |
CPAP | Continuous Positive Airway Pressure |
CPB AG. | Colorado Potato Beetle |
CPB Cardio | Cardio Pulmonary Bypass |
CPC | Cellular Process Chemistry |
CPC | Calcium Phosphate Cement |
CPD | Chloro Propane Diol |
CPD | Continuous Professional Development |
CPG | Controlled Pore Glass |
CPI | Consumers Price Index |
CPM | bis(p-Carboxy Phenoxy) Methane anhydride (polymer) |
CPM Cardio | CardioPulmonary Man. |
CPMP | Committee on Proprietary Medicinal Products (Europe) |
cPMP Rare | cyclic Pyranopterin MonoPhosphate |
CPO | p-Carboxy Phenoxy Octanoic anhydride (polymer) |
CPO | Chief Procurement Officer |
CPP | bis (Carboxy Phenoxy) Propane anhydride (polymer) |
CPP | Cell Penetrating Peptide |
CPP | central precocious puberty |
CPPS | Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome |
CPQBA | Centro Pluridisciplinar de Pesquisas Quimicas, Biologicas e Agricolas (Unicamp, Brazil) |
CPR | Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation |
CPS | Carboxy Poly Saccharide |
CPS | Complex Partial Seizures |
CPS COAT. | Compact Paint Systems |
CPSA | Complexed Prostate Specific Antigen |
CPTES | Chloro Propyl Tri Ethoxy Silane |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CPV | Canine Parvo Virus |
CPV | p-Carboxy Phenoxy Valeric anhydride (polymer) |
CPVC | Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride |
CR | Controlled Release |
CR | Calorie Restriction (Aging Prevn.) |
CR | Chloroprene Rubber |
CR | Computed Radiography |
CR Onco. | Complete Remission |
CRA | Cytokine Regulating Agent |
CRBSI | Carheter Related Blood Stream Infection |
CRC | Cooperative Research Centre (AU) |
CRC Onco. | Colo Rectal Cancer |
CREB | Cyclic AMP Response Element Binding (protein) |
CRF | Corticotropin Releasing Factor |
CRF | Chronic Renal Failure |
CRH | Corticotropin Releasing Hormone |
CRHR | Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Receptor |
CRM | CoRynebacteriuM |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
CRM Lung | Continuous Respiratory Monitoring |
CRMA | Cytokine Response Modified A |
CRO | Contract Research Organization |
CRO | Chief Regulatory Officer |
CRP | C Reactive Protein |
CRP | Controlled Radical Polymerization |
CRPC | Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer |
CRPS | Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |
CRRT | continuous renal replacement therapy |
CRS | Cytokine Release Syndrome |
CRS ENT | Chronic Rhino Sinusitis |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CRT | Cancer Research Technology (UK) |
CRT | Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy |
CS | Circum Porozoite protein |
CS | Connecting Segment |
CS | Cockayne Syndrome |
CSA | Camphor Sulfonic Acid |
CSA | Chief Science Adviser |
CSA | Central Sleep Apnea |
CSBP | Cytokine Suppressive antiinflammatory drug Binding Protein |
CSCC | Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
CSD | Carbonated Soft Drinks |
CSD | Cambridge Structural DB |
CSE | Combined Spinal Epidural |
CSF | Colony Stimulating Factor |
CSF | Classical Swine Fever |
CSF Neuro. | Cerebro Spinal Fluid |
CSFV | Classical Swine Fever Virus |
CSH | Ca Silicate Hydrate |
CSIR | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (India) |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (Australia) |
CSK | Chronic Superficial Keratitis |
CSM | Chloro Sulphonated Monomer (rubber) |
CSMC | Cedars Sinai Medical Center (USA) |
CSO | Chief Scientific Officer |
CSP | Chiral Stationary Phases |
CSP | Certified Service Provider |
CSP Solar | Concentrating Solar Power |
CSPE | Chloro Sulphonated Poly Ethylene (rubber) |
CSSSI | Complicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections |
CSSTI | Complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections |
CST | Critical Solution Temperature |
CSTD | Closed System drug Transfer Device |
CT | Cooperation Treaty (patents) |
CT | Cholera Toxin |
CT | Computer Tomography |
CT | Chemo Therapy |
CTA | Clinical Trial Application (Health Canada; MHRA) |
CTA | Clinical Trial Administrator |
CTA | cellulose tri acetate |
CTB | Cholera Toxin B |
CTC | 2-Chloro Trityl Chloride |
CTC | Circulating Tumor Cells |
CTC | CT Colonography |
CTCL | Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma |
CTE | Coefficient of Thermal Expansion |
CTE Neuro | Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy |
CTFE | Chloro Tri Fluoro Ethylene |
CTGF | Connective Tissue Growth Factor |
CTL | Charge Transporting Layer (electrophotography) |
CTL | Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (natural killer) |
CTL | Coal To Liquid |
CTLA | Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-associated Antigen |
CTM | Charge Transporting Material (electrophotography) |
CTMAOH | Cetyl Tri Methyl Ammonium OH (hydroxide) |
CTMP | Chemi Thermo Mechanical Pulp (cellulose, paper) |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer |
CTO Vascu. | Chronic Total Occlusion |
CTS | Crystalline Titanium molecular Sieve |
CTS | Contracted Titano Silicate |
CTT | Channeling Tablet Technology |
cTTP | congenital TTP |
CUDA | Compute Unified Device Architecture |
CuTC | Cu(I) Thiophene-2-Carboxylate |
CUTI | Complicated Urinary Tract Infection |
CV | Cardio Vascular |
CVC | Central Venous Catheter |
CVD | Chemical Vapor Deposition |
CVD Cardio | Cardio Vascular Disease |
CVI | Chemical Vapor Infiltration |
CVID | Common Variable Immuno Deficiency |
CVJ | Constant Velocity Joint |
CVRM | CardioVascular, Renal and Metabolism |
CVT | continuously-variable transmission |
CWC | CHEMICAL Weapons Convention |
CYP | CYtochrome P450 |
CZ | CZech Republic |
CZT | Cd Zn Te |